I like this retrospective question:
What advice would you give yourself five years ago?
Answer: Follow through with your goals...and don't cut your own bangs!
I am a classic non-follow-througher when it comes to goals. Go to graduate school-nope. Lose the pregnancy weight-haha. Write a book-cricket chirp, cricket chirp. This is essentially the story of my life, and, sad as it may be, I cannot think of one goal that I have recently stuck to...unless you count eating an entire sleeve of Oreo's by my lonesome.
The esposo and myself had a major night of hardcore planning and goal-setting the first week in January of this year-we're talking opening and closing prayers, journal entries, and calendar marking. Intense, to say the least. I learned a lot about myself that day, one thing being that I LOVE to plan and aspire...I just don't complete, I guess. With that being said, you'll understand the angst I have in admitting our next thing on the list: Run a half marathon in September.
I hate distance running. Unless I'm attempting a lay-up or chasing an ice cream truck, I am hardly motivated in this area. "Why run frickin' 13 miles?" one might ask. Oh, because it sounded cool seven months ago. I have a wee bit of time left to commence the over-six-miles running, so my hope isn't completely vanquished. But man, if I'm gonna complete a goal, I sure hope this is it!
Until next time.