Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mended Stockings

I was browsing through our computer today and found some Word Docs from the ol' college days. I utterly miss being in school and writing papers. It's on my list of things to do within the next two years...go back to school! Alas, my present consists of ABC's rather than MLA formatting, and that is just perfect for now!

Anyways, I came across a paper I had written on Dorathea Lange: my absolute favorite photographer of all times (not just because I bare her last name). Her stills are beautiful, sobering, and completely relevant in a present context, despite being taken during the Great Depression/WWII eras. So many of her images are famous and recognizable, however, most people have no idea that she is the photographer behind them. Such is the notoriety of the artist, I guess!

With the current "status" of the economy, (I don't know what to call it: "the horrible status of demise", maybe?...) I couldn't help but reflect on this photograph from Lange. (Mended Stockings, San Francisco, 1934 gelatin silver print)

I have a lot to be thankful for, one thing being I need not worry about sewing old nylons because I can't afford another pair. I marvel at the lessons history has to teach us. More specifically, I am baffled by the cyclical learning we are required to attempt as past circumstances regenerate and morph into present obstacles.

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