Friday, May 25, 2012


I don't know what it is, but something about staying up until 3am chatting with your husband sure makes you feel like you understand a lot more about life.  (Why do we go through trials?...  Got it.  How do you be a good parent?...  Oh, totally got it!  What is life all about? ...Seriously, I figured it out!)  Maybe it's the gradual slipping from lucidity into a state where you feel like your comedic brilliance and intellectual capacity got married and made a stinkin' cute love baby named, "Euphoria".

I don't know?

But I do know this...God certainly gave me my match in Josh, and there were a number of times during those wee hours of the morning that I thought we could conquer the world together...or at the very least host our own talk radio show.  There are so many great things coming up in our lives within the next few months (and probably just as many trying things), and it was so nice to be able to relish in the thoughts of those things with him instead of worrying or hopelessly planning or...binging on Oreo's!

...and for these moments, I will be forever grateful!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


*Insert picture of birthday boy blowing out candles on cake*

*Insert picture of birthday boy opening presents*

* Insert picture of Mom and Dad with birthday boy*

Well, our camera battery didn't get charged apparently for Axton's big this is the only pic I captured via my phone that I totally forgot had picture capability: 

It was a wonderful day with lots of friends at the beach.  

*Insert cheesy dialogue about how my baby is not a baby anymore*

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This Other Guy

Josh is the coordinator for UCSDs' Pre-Dental Society for the Thousand Smiles and Norcal organizations.  He volunteers about four times a year at a clinic in Mexico that tends to children born with cleft lip and palate deformities, along with other dental problems.  It's really neat to hear about all of the experiences he has...and I just swoon when I see him in scrubs for some reason!  Here are some pics:

He always comes back with at least a few pictures of the food!

...and he always comes back with a few pictures with the local women!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This Little Guy

I feel like my posts have been kind of negative lately, and I wanted to somehow redeem myself by saying this:

Life is good.  It is oh, so good!

I was lucky enough to watch a beautiful pair of blue-eyed cuties today.  THE sweetest little babies I think I've come across.  Not only did I get to spend a lot of time with them, but I was able to witness my pretty fantastic almost-3-year-old interact with them.  I was so proud of him because he did absolutely stellar.  Such a wonderful helper, and so incredibly loving and gentle.  After helping me fetch bottles and toys after about an hour, I thought he would be pretty over the whole event, but boy was I wrong!  He played with them all day long, never letting up for a second...even missing his much-needed nap.  He was just amazing.  

I'm about to admit something that makes me feel like a big jerk:  I am scared about being a mother of two.  Scared that I will develop horrible mothering habits.  Scared that my children will not get everything they need.  Scared that I just won't measure up.  Here's where the part about feeling like a jerk comes into play...scared that Axton will be so hard with another little one around.

After today, I know I can completely cross that last one off the list.  He is an active, adventurous, determined, and pretty crazy little guy, but I love him so much for everything that he is and how he completely enriches my soul.  I need to learn from him, and hopefully I won't be the hard one to be around with another little one.  It is an amazing thing when God gives us perspective, especially when we think we are seeing so clearly!