Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This Little Guy

I feel like my posts have been kind of negative lately, and I wanted to somehow redeem myself by saying this:

Life is good.  It is oh, so good!

I was lucky enough to watch a beautiful pair of blue-eyed cuties today.  THE sweetest little babies I think I've come across.  Not only did I get to spend a lot of time with them, but I was able to witness my pretty fantastic almost-3-year-old interact with them.  I was so proud of him because he did absolutely stellar.  Such a wonderful helper, and so incredibly loving and gentle.  After helping me fetch bottles and toys after about an hour, I thought he would be pretty over the whole event, but boy was I wrong!  He played with them all day long, never letting up for a second...even missing his much-needed nap.  He was just amazing.  

I'm about to admit something that makes me feel like a big jerk:  I am scared about being a mother of two.  Scared that I will develop horrible mothering habits.  Scared that my children will not get everything they need.  Scared that I just won't measure up.  Here's where the part about feeling like a jerk comes into play...scared that Axton will be so hard with another little one around.

After today, I know I can completely cross that last one off the list.  He is an active, adventurous, determined, and pretty crazy little guy, but I love him so much for everything that he is and how he completely enriches my soul.  I need to learn from him, and hopefully I won't be the hard one to be around with another little one.  It is an amazing thing when God gives us perspective, especially when we think we are seeing so clearly!

1 comment:

  1. I am so scared too! I think it is normal, and you are definitely NOT alone.

    I'm totally stalking all your blog posts today. I love the way you write!!
