Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What the?

My body is aching right now...no, not aching...it's slowly dying of pain. Ms."I-think-I-can-lift-what-I-did-when-I-was-19" decided to do power cleans and squats for the first time in years. I don't even remember postpartum being this horrific. After three solid attempts at picking up my phone off the ground, I finally did it an hour later. I'm one of those people at the gym who overestimates their abilities. I start off with too much weight, too high a resistance, or too fast a speed. With that being said, I feel the need to express my deepest gratitude for the person who invented the "EMERGENCY STOP" button on treadmills. Brilliant, just brilliant.

Anyways, I read this article today, and can kind of relate. However, my goal was never intentionally to gain 40 pounds, it just kind of happened with all the ice cream and orange chicken...and the growing fetus inside my body. My thoughts are as follows: this guys is making news headlines for sacrificing his body to weight gain. He is putting his body through a very unhealthy lifestyle...all so he can prove that he can get back into shape. Pat on the back to him, but don't you think they should've just found a pregnant woman to document her story?

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