Monday, September 17, 2012


This kid says some pretty dang funny things pretty regularly, and I could just kick myself for not being more consistent in writing them down.  Here's a recap of the week and the things I can remember:

 "Grandma's coming.  Ryan's coming.  Julie's coming.  Maggie's dead."  Maggie is the long-lost family dog.

After a wild crying tantrum and car ride to the gym..."I'm not crying anymore!!!"

While boating at Lake Elsinore, we jumped out of the boat and swam with life jackets on.  Axton got on my back as I was swimming and said, "I'm riding a big seal!"

"Anchor's eating the nipples!  Stop eating the nipples, Anchor!"  ...kid knows his anatomy!

As I'm singing to him at bedtime: "Stop singing Mommy, that's gross!"

1 comment:

  1. "Anchor's eating the nipples", that is hilarious!! He is such a funny kid
