Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What's in a Name?

I was in the store today with the kiddos and an older woman in line asked me what my baby's name was.  
With a sarcastic tone she responded, "Ohhh, okay.  And that one's name is Axton?  My gosh those are weird names."


A few weeks ago, while adding the babe onto our insurance, the representative asked, "Did you really name your kid Anchor?"


Another man chuckled when I told him both kids' names and said, "What's the next one gonna be, 'Hammer'?!"

Hahaha, you're so silly, you old man, you! (Note to self: that's catchy!)

When I told my dad we were naming the baby "Anchor", he threw together a list of other names he thought I "might like better".

My mother-in-law insists she'll be calling him by his middle name.

I don't know what the big deal is, people?!  It's not like we named one of them "Apple" (though that was a close second.)  We wanted something with a lot of substance and meaning, and to name our kids after iconic figures that people would take seriously:



  1. Erin I LOVE your kids' names!! We got a lot of heat from our families when we named Maddox. And we were seriously considering naming Lia, California and calling her Cali, but settled on Amelia because of the family connection. I'm still holding California high on the list! Even though when I told my mom she spent a good 3 days trying to convince me otherwise!

    1. Haha! Thanks, Nina! Maddox was actually really high up there on our list! I love California, please do it!!!! Hope you guys are doing well!

  2. Your kids have very cool names and they won't have 100 kids with same name which is also very cool- the younger generation all like them - the old people will eventually die!

  3. Geez, do people lose all sense of tact and manners as they age??? It always seems like it's the old folks who can't stay out of your childrearing business. I love your kids' names. Sorry you had to deal with that!
